Our Core Values

What follows are our 4 core values and a brief description of each one. They drive the work that we do and how we interact with one another. We don’t live them 100% of the time without error, but I believe we live them more often than we don’t. When we do fail at any one of these, we usually feel it and hold ourselves accountable to them. Click the titles for a deeper look.

People First

We are not a product company; we are a people company. People serving people. People over profits. Choose others over self.

Partners, Customers, Stakeholders, in that order.

Be a Cheerleader

We ought to be a force of positivity to the world. Assume the best, and be people’s biggest fan. Celebrate wins, and give grace in defeat. Be an encourager, highlight the good. Be generous and show gratitude.

Embrace Fun

More than jokes, memes, and fun video chats. It’s is a conscious effort to not just engage in silly conversations, but harvest joy and fulfillment out of your work.

Make it Better

Always strive to improve, take risks, fail forward, and leave things better than you found them. Best is the enemy of Better.

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